COP25 Climate Summit

The COP25 Climate Summit is the longest summit in history with disappointing results to face the climate crisis the planet is suffering.

Given the "urgent need to address the significant gap" between "mitigation efforts" and emissions, the objectives of maintaining the temperature increase, however, remained identical: 2 ° C above pre-industrial levels, "pursuing the efforts to limit »to 1.5º. It does set the commitment to “mobilize” funds for countries affected by climate and developing change to $ 100,000 million.

The COP sets the stage for this ambition to translate into real results, according to the Spanish Government. "The mandate is clear: we countries have to present more ambitious national contributions than the current ones in 2020," said Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera. "It is important to respond to the demands of people and science, and to commit ourselves to do faster and faster."

For Glasgow, what concerns both the carbon market and, therefore, the financing of developing countries, which emit a minimum percentage compared to industrialized countries, remains open. Japan insisted on sticking to what the Paris Agreement dictates and clinging to a "global broadcast" calculation, in contrast to Switzerland, which announced in plenary that it would now apply "robust standards", which would attempt to transfer them to the multilareral scope, to The carbon market. "We hope to have clear rules for the carbon market, which would make us move faster," said the delegate of the European Union.

The lack of progress in this field prevents another from being closed: that of the firm proposals for the financing of adaptation in poor countries. "If we had reached an agreement, we would have had a robust fund," Switzerland said. The African Group, in a position similar to others in development, said that "mitigation" and "adaptation" should form a single package. "Disappointment," summarized South Africa and Canada.

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, has also been "disappointed": "I am disappointed with the results of COP25. The international community lost an important opportunity to show greater ambition in mitigation, adaptation and financing to face the climate crisis. But we must not give up, and I will not give up, ”he said through Twitter.